
Learning while you’re in university will come from many sources—not just from your professors. You’re in a new place, sharing a space with others, embarking on a new transition and developing life skills that will help you thrive after your residence experience and graduation. It’s important you take this time as an opportunity to grow and educate yourself through the many avenues the residence experience has to offer. We have three guiding learning goals which act as a foundation in everything we do to help you achieve that.

Icon of a lightbulb on green circle background.

 Intellectual Engagement: Through interactions with faculty, staff and peers, you will be challenged to think critically, apply knowledge and connect classroom learning to life experiences.

Icon of three people on a purple circle background.

Citizenship: By living in a community, exploring new cultures and learning more about social issues, you’ll discover and refine your perspective, individuality and impact on society.

Icon of a person thinking.

Self-Awareness: Learn to reflect on personal growth and change—whether it be physical, psychological, social or intellectual, and gain the ability to recognize a realistic self-concept relating to confidence, integrity and personal limitations.

This learning will happen in all aspects of your experience, but here are some examples of where you could see it: 

  • Community meetings 
  • Community initiatives
  • Floor dinners
  • Council meetings
  • Late night weekend programs
  • Campus-wide events
  • Residence chats with your Don
  • Talking to a Soph
  • Attending Academic and Leadership Programmer(s) office hours
Residence Learning Outcomes

After living in residence, you will be able to:

  • Identify personal values, beliefs, and ethics.
  • Access resources and formulate a learning plan to overcome challenges and accomplish academic, professional, and personal goals.
  • Build capacity for personal resilience.
  • Increase awareness, self-regulation, and expression of emotions.
  • Develop an understanding of personal strengths and a philosophy of leadership.
  • Identify personal limits with substance use and demonstrate awareness of harm-reduction strategies.
  • Recognize opportunities to engage with faculty, staff, and peers regarding academic pursuits.
  • Demonstrate an understanding and appreciation of their personal learning style.
  • Develop out-of-classroom relationships with faculty.
  • Activate a healthy curiosity for new knowledge and critical discourse.
  • Celebrate an appreciation of differences and commonalities to foster a culture of caring.
  • Recognize the impact of members' actions in a community.
  • Discuss and understand diverse perspectives, interests, and values.
  • Develop a sense of belonging and purpose within various communities on campus and in London.
  • Exhibit interpersonal skills to develop healthy relationships with others.