Housing Options

Western prides itself on the services and supports it offers it's students. Housing happens to be one of its biggest and most important providing multiple options to meet the needs of our campus community.


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Need Help Finding Housing While Studying at Western?

Whether it is on or off campus, Western offers housing options to suit every lifestyle and the support you’ll need along the way!

On-Campus Housing

Living on campus has its advantages as you already know! You’ll be close to class and have access to facilities that will benefit your studies and social life. Not to mention utilities are included, and you’ll have the convenience of amenities needed to succeed in your studies just minutes away.

ontario hall


The best on-campus experience for first- and upper-year students


Western Apartments

Independent living for graduate students and families

room with bed and desk

Western Summer Accommodations

Suites and rooms on campus open to the Western community

two students outside a residence room
residence room


The residence experience is like no other. It's where you meet lifelong friends and have the convenience of living on campus, with amenities and support right where you live! Residence makes it easy for you to succeed academically, as live-in Student Leaders like Dons and Residence Education Advisors are available to plan events and provide resources. Residence is highly recommended for those who want to live close to their classes and have the duties of living off campus (paying bills, furnishing an apartment, etc.) taken off their plate.

More on Residence

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Events & Programming

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Minutes to Class

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Fully Furnished

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Student Leader Support

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Inclusive Utilities

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Workout & Study Rooms

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Western Apartments

For mature students studying with us and even those with families, we have accommodations for everyone. University Apartments are best suited for mature students who value privacy and independence. We have 99 two-bedroom units in Beaver and Ausable Halls. Platt’s Lane Estates (PLE) boasts townhouse and apartment-style accommodations, in a private, family-friendly community. 

More on Western Apartments

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No Last-Month Deposit

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Independent Living

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Inclusive Utilities

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Family Friendly

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One Free Parking Space

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On-Site Maintenance Staff

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Western Summer Accommodations

If you’re studying for the summer or just hoping to extend your time staying in London, Western Summer Accommodations has affordable short- and long-term options that are open to the Western community.

Summer Accommodations

Off-Campus Housing

Living off campus is another option for students and just like the on-campus options, Western is here to help. Our dedicated team of Off-Campus Professionals are here to answer any questions or concerns you may have about off-campus living. They also provide students/staff a variety of housing options with over 6,000 listings annually through their listings page. This service is the #1 source for Western students to find off-campus housing.

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View Rental Listings

We post over 6,000 off-campus rental listings annually.

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Book a Lease Review

Meet with a member of our team to review your lease before you sign.

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Connect with Us

Have a question about living off campus? Check in with our team.